Ico Gallery, a vanity gallery in New York City, posted the following rant in March 2010. The reason? I snubbed their invitation to pay to show, and I ignored their request to post a link to their gallery on my blog. After their post appeared on the gallery website I posted the link on FB and on my own blog, they took it down. It may still pop up here, but just in case, I've cut and pasted the text below:
A virtual installation: Featuring: The rationality of the irrational: Including resume and bios, bias advice, myopic facts, and journalistically suspect reporting. - The monumental Atelier, proving that anyone can be an idiot, and be commended; what better describes the art world today. And all out of the ‘mouths of babes’
This masterpiece of contemporary analytics is a provocative example of the postmodern pointillism on a Boolean operating system. It is a stimulating and not so subtle Orwellian avatar. In this rebellions new Internet installation, Joanne becomes the human mirror of the art denizens of the art world, a world where the empress is brazenly naked, and fashionably strikes a pensive pose as she lectures solemnly at the virtual landfill.
There can be no response or iterations to the statements made since the statements by their own decree are non statements, and yet there is a flock of follows for non statements and Joanne in her nakedness feels no shame in her brave confessional.
‘I think therefore I am!’ has been replaced by ‘I am an idiot and therefore I know’
Joanne is correct and by the proclamation in big black bold at the top of her Blog page, in the aestivating verdant banner, she states things plainly – that there is no reason what so ever to hold her to logic or any lucid reasoning; she emphatically tells us so in bold and caps which means she means it! Facts are all so passé for Joanne, who speaks the truth, while proclaiming a myopic, incomplete and suspect reporting! And therefore, blissfully following the irrational path most rationally.
Joanne, no doubt you have done a great deal for the art world. We feel you should be recognized for your diligent efforts. Therefore we proudly inform you that you have been elected as our very first honorary: Angry Hillbilly of the Week.
A star is born!
-Dalia Chako, Ico Gallery
Dalia Chako sounds like the kind of gallery owner everyone wants to exhibit with ... not only does she charge for the privilege, she will also take her anger out on you!
ReplyDeleteI love people whose idea of revenge is to publicly insult someone (safely online, of course), especially when their rant makes absolutely no sense.
A writing class perhaps, Dalia?
I'm proud to be one of your "flock of follows", Joanne. You're clearly doing something right to get such attention.
It sounds like the gallery owner is truly angry, but her comments are so impenetrable that it's difficult to figure out why, or what you did to cause such outrage. A professional would stop to re-read a rant before posting it, maybe even consult a colleague. Any of us who may have considered showing there would likely re-consider after seeing this, so she did herself and her business no good at all.
ReplyDeleteI love people whose idea of revenge is to publicly insult someone (safely online, of course), especially when their rant makes absolutely no sense.
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe that she said that about you. I have heard that sometimes she can have the WORST attitude, especially after she has your money and you can't get it back. I'm so sorry but I'm glad that you are getting this message out there.
ReplyDeleteHmmm, Dalia has more pseudonym's and businesses under one location than you can shake a stick at.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Art info, http://bit.ly/bKRF0u Dalia paints under the pseudonym of Mistica Caravaggi.
So is it Dalia Chako or Mistica Caravaggi or Dalia Lucia Caravaggi ???
Dalia Lucia Caravaggi Fine Art
606 West 26th Street | New York, NY 10001
ICO Gallery
ICOGallery.com (not working anymore)
606 West 26th Street New York, NY
Icosahedron Gallery
606 West 26th Street New York, NY
and 2 facebook pages one being new.
New - http://www.facebook.com/pages/New-York-NY/Icosahedron-Gallery/166935919989089
And a Blog - http://icogallery.wordpress.com/
Just so your warned heres a pic of her on the left -
Good thing I didn't enter their next show, "2011 Emerging Artist Show Chelsea New York"