

Off to Miami

Update in red below
Camera? Check. Laptop? Check. Netbook? Check. Comfortable shoes? Check. Toe donuts and bandaids? Checkety check. Boyd Level Miami Guide? Wouldn't leave home without it (see below). Bathing suit? Why bother? With a dozen fairs on my must-see list, a blogger panel to moderate, and at least one guerrilla event (see below), the only full immersion I'll have is in the art.
My multi-part installment this year is titled Fair and Fair Alike. You'll hear from me occasionally over the next few days, but the bulk of my writing and posting will be done after I return. No Twitter-style updates from me; I'm going for substance. (If history is any measure, I'll be coming back with some 2500 images. I'll need time to edit and Photoshop the pictures and figure out what to tell you about this larger-than-life event. So make that substance abuse.)
If you're in Miami, stop by these events and say Hi:
. Art Burn 2009 on Thursday: Artist, curator and self-proclaimed "master griller" El Celso promises a red-hot time as he "displays and flambees" some three dozen works of art. (I've contributed a small work for the show-and-glow.)
Location: The parking lot of Las Tias, 2834 N. Miami Avenue
Time: 1:00-5:00 pm
Read more here, here , here and here
. The blogger panel on Saturday at Art Miami. Sharon Butler, Roberta Fallon, Thomas Hollingworth, Paddy Johnson, Libby Rosof, Hrag Vartanian and I will convene at 11:00 am, and our panel will run from 11:30 to 1:00. Our topic: Carving Our Niche in the Blogosphere.
And just in case you're wondering where exactly I'm off to, check out this double-sided, foldable guide to, well, everything else in Miami worth seeing over the next few days.


  1. Anonymous2:35 AM

    I just stumbled upon your blog recently, and it's absolutely stellar - as is your work.

    While I'm not from Miami, I love the art scene and the effort they make there to host art events. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time, and take that bathing suit anyway, because you never know.

  2. looking forward to your pictures!

  3. Joanne,

    I'm glad you're doing the Air Fare Art Fair so I don't have to!

    Looking forward to your reports,


    ps You might see a piece or two of mine at Allan Stone at ABMB
