

See You in Castleton

I'll be at the Castleton Project and Event Space on Saturday evening as part of the Castleton Twelve.

The Project Space, just south of Albany, New York, is a refurbished silent movie theater. The town, officially, Castleton-on-Hudson, lies along the river. The Castleton Twelve consists of Sheila Manion Artz, Nancy Baker, Manhee Bak, Jackie Brickman, Marylyn Dintenfass, Laurence Fayard, Matt Hart, Richard Jochum, Lisa Mackie, Peter Mackie, Jeffrey Allen Price and myself.
I expect to have some installation pics for you next week. I'm also planning to hit the galleries in Hudson, farther south along the river.

These are a few of the Castleton Twelve:

Marylyn Dintenfass

.. Lisa Mackie

..Nancy Baker

. . Peter Mackie

. . Joanne Mattera



  1. This looks like it will be wonderful! Have a great time!

  2. John Davis and Carrie Haddad both have nice galleries in Hudson, NY. Happy trails, congratulations and best of luck at your opening- I hope your work is well received and that your show is a big success.
