

The Art Life: Deadbeat Collectors and Rejection

Coupla short takes today. Maybe they'll make you feel better, maybe they won't. The takeaway: You're not alone.

#1: Think you're the only one waiting for that check?
Apparently deadbeat collectors abound. Lindsay Pollock, writing in the current issue of The Art Newspaper, says, "Some dealers are having to fight for their money amid growing evidence that certain collectors are taking longer than usual to pay." So, yes, we often wait for that check to pay our bills, but so do dealers.
Writes Pollock: "Here’s an unhappy scenario: a young gallery, with nearly empty coffers, hasn’t collected payment on six of the seven sales the dealer closed at a June satellite art fair in Basel. The dealer—who paid all fair-related expenses months ago—needs to cover his rent and overheads. He can’t pay the artist, who needs money for his own bills plus materials for an autumn show. To make matters worse, the dealer must remain calm and detached, while trying to extract payment. 'It’s this old-school gentleman thing,' the dealer told me. 'You don’t want to appear desperate.' ”
I love (i.e. hate) the anecdote of the collector who visits a gallery, sees a painting and declares, "I love that piece! I want it!" The dealer reminds her that she has already bought it, and he has the unpaid invoice to prove it. Read the whole story here.

#2: A free online show to enter, with entry guaranteed.

The only requirement? The work you submit must have been rejected elsewhere. Everything's posted on the website, and there's a monetary prize for the best rejected work. Better hurry, the deadline is October 8.

In his digital update of the Salon des Refuses, organizer Matt Akehurst says, "It’s really a continuation of my practice that looks at the contextual frame work of the art world. The Rejected Art Award asks the questions: Who will enter? What is rejected? What is bad art or what is good art? And who decides?" So far the New Zealand-based artist has received 215 entries from around the world.

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