

Travel With Me


Installation view, Arden Gallery, Boston
In Travel With Me, my sixth solo at Arden Gallery, I'm showing 15 small color-field paintings, the newest works from my Silk Road series. Travel with Me invites you to take a visual perambulation with the paintings, which traverse the gallery walls.

The gallery is at 129 Newbury Street in Boston. I'll be at the opening this evening from 5:00 to 7:00, and tomorrow afternoon, Saturday, from 2:00 to 4:00. Hope to see you! Click here for gallery info and more images. Scroll down for a bit more of a peek.

Silk Road 139
All work 2010, encaustic on panel, 12x12 inches unless noted
Silk Road 141.

Panning around to the left wall
Silk Road 135
Opposite wall, with Silk Road 140, 143, 146, 147
Silk Road 143
Silk Road 146, 2010, 18x18 inches


  1. The installation looks ravishing! Yum.

  2. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Do you ever get tired of repeating the same formal/compositional structure? Other than the commercial purpose, I'm wondering why these continue needing to be made. I must admit that I really liked this series initially, but now I'm not sure that I want to travel with any of these works. Consequently, I actually own 2 of your Silk Road works.

  3. Joanne,
    The works looks wonderful.What color! Wish I could see the the.Have a great opening.

  4. Anonymous,

    If you're going to lob an insulting comment without taking responsibility for it, I'm not going to respond seriously.

  5. The works are stunning! You should be very proud.

  6. Looks lush and wonderful, love the colors, have a great opening, all the best,

  7. Looks wonderful! Wish I could visit. Some day I'll catch one of your shows in NYC.

  8. You dance on the borderline between the painterly and the linear. Your weaving strokes melt into passages that evoke nature. I get lost in these surfaces.

  9. Gorgeous color--#146 in particular. I love how the red accumulates and then thins out again.

  10. Sumptuous, elegant, congrats.

  11. Gorgeous manipulation of color--wish I could be there to dive into them--the striations of pigment make me feel as I could float suspended there, surrounded by color.

  12. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Silk Road 141 for me I think (I wish...). It's wonderful to see exhibition online; so much changes when you see works grouped together. I just wish I could see the surfaces in real life and enjoy their depth.

  13. Fantastic work, Joanne -- a luminous installation. Congratulations!

  14. Congratulations on this exhibit! These pieces are mesmerizing, lush, vibrant yet serene. And they really do appear silken.
    Best wishes!

  15. o joanna, lovely colrs!!!!

  16. #146 is my favorite, I think. I love the gathering together of the paint and then the thinning out. Beautiful! Congratulations on 6 solos and 10 years with Arden! You make a wonderful combination.

  17. gems. hope it is a wild success.

  18. If I was forced to pick one it would be Silk Road #146 but that's a difficult choice since I love them all.

  19. I saw the show in person a couple of weeks ago and have to say that the images don't do them justice. All the texture gets lost. Very impressive.

  20. One of the gladdest moments of human life, methinks, is the departure upon a distant journey into unknown lands. Shaking off with one mighty effort the fetters of habit, the leaden weight of routine, the cloak of many cares and the slavery of home, man feels once more happy.
