

Critical Mass., Part 3: New England Collective

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Before this series: The Chain Letter Show
Part 1: Jennifer Riley, Damian Hoar de Galvan, Nancy Natale
Part 2: Cape Cod Museum of Art

A view of New England Collective II:  From left: Heather Bentz; middle distance wall: Terry Gips, Dawna Bemis; far wall: Paul Arsenault; foreground right, Becky Gibbs

BOSTON--In this post let me show you the exhibition I juried for Galatea Fine Art in Boston, and which I discussed in two Marketing Mondays posts about jurying (here and here). Because I am involved with it, I'll offer no commentary, just a look around so that you can see, from my point of view, how my selections became an exhibition. The gallery, at 460 Harrison Avenue in the South End, is set slightly lower than ground level, with windows just under the soffitt. The combination of natural light and exhibition lighting gave my camera a workout.

Visually sweeping around the first gallery counterclockwise:  Heather Bentz, Lynette Haggard, Laurie Goddard, Sand T., Pamela Dejong

Continuing countercockwise: Thomas Hoadley, Lisa Barthelson, Sue Post, Charyl Weissbach

Clockwise: Weissbach, Rose Olson

With our backs to Weissbach, we look past the first gallery and into the hallway with work by  Maria Napolitano, center, and Steven Barylick

Center wall opposite Napolitano and Barylich: Deborah Corbett; with views into the first and second galleries

Looking into the second gallery, clockwise this time: name coming, name coming, Brenda Cirioni, Ruth La Gue, name coming; far wall: Gregory Wright

Continuing: Wright, Leigh Hall, Debra Claffey, Binnie Birstein, two by John Burkett

Corner in the second gallery: Gips, Bemis

From the second gallery, looking into the hallway. Foregound on hallway wall: Nancy Fulton

In the hallway, looking back into the second gallery, with Nancy Natale on the foreground wall

On the wall opposite Natale: Gillian Fournier (top) and Nik Clements

A view of the Hallway: Natale on the left, with a doorway to the third gallery just beyond (we're going there next); Arsenault in the distance, Fulton on right

Peeking into the third gallery, from left: Ruth Segaloff, Diane Bowie Zaitlin, Jeannette O'Connor, Mitchel Ahern on stand; Julie Shaw Lutts on table

Below: Another view, which includes George Shaw, center

Panoramic view of the front of this small gallery, with the hallway in the distance. From left: Russell Prigodich, Yu Mengting, another by Lutts; in hallway: Fournier, Clements, Alison Horvitz; right wall: Alma Cummings, Milisa Galazzi

Above and below: I shot these photographs through the street-level windows at the end of the evening. I hope they will give you a sense of the space and another view of how the work was displayed in it

Apologies to the artists whose work you cannot see well enough for me to identify, and those whose work was not included in these photographs. You can see eveyone's work on the gallery website.

Panning slightly to the left . . .

. . . then peeking into the second gallery

I'll have more from Boston next week. Now it's off to Western Mass. to see more you-know-what


  1. This is a great show, Joanne, and included so much interesting work. I hope it was a true representation of the current art scene in New England and evidences that so many are producing strong work. I had a great time at the opening and enjoyed seeing and meeting so many artists, including some I had not seen for years. Thanks for making this the success it is!

  2. I noticed many of the works were done by women? I enjoyed seeing the works.

  3. Thanks for the kind words, Nancy. I don't know how accurate a representation the submissions were of contemporary work in New England, but there was a broad range of work submitted.

    Annell, when I was choosing I had only a number to identify each set of submissions, so the selection was gender blind. I also did not know which state each "number" was from--and I still don't know that.
