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Facebook surfing turned up interesting topics this week. Take a look:
Two Faces of Information
Yeah, but Assange didn't create the world's largest timesuck
Two Faced
This one is from a project called Split Family Faces that shows just how similar families can be, crossing boundaries of gender and age. Genetically logical? Yes. But it's right up there on the Creep-o-Meter
About Face
After a relatively steady climb, there was the plunge in the Dow
Apparently it was not the only thing going down this week:
Stuffing Their Face
Repugnican candidates Michelle Backwardwoman (above) and (P)rick Perry demonstrate their technique on a corndog at the Iowa State Fair.
When Backwardwoman wasn't stuffing her face with that corndog, she was busy putting her foot in her mouth. Case in point: Her dire warning about the "rise of the Soviet Union." Corndog, Nikita?
Perry just kept his mouth full. Click here for the animated version
Truck Face
Meanwhile a driver in Perry's home state of Texas affixed a photo of the Governor to the the back of a pickup with this sign:
Or, I might might ask: does that ass make my country look small?
And apparently even somebody's higher power has a comment about the governor's politics (thank you
Happy Face
A website called Smart-Ass Responses to Completely Well-Meaning Signs moved the needle all the way over on my Guffaw-o-Meter, appealing to a slightly more complex part of my brain than People of Walmart, my usual guilty pleasure
Here's a sample:
And how was your week?
Joanne...besides LOL first thought is you are masterful! The juxtapositions are inspired!