

Taking "Weave"

During the past 10 days I posted an image almost every day day (except for Marketing Mondays) from a new series of unique digital prints, produced in collaboration with a depleting ink cartridge, my office and photography printers, and some trade secrets I've been developing. What distinguishes Weave from a concurrent series, Silk Trail, is the vertical image overlaid onto the horizontal. No thread or fabric is involved in the making of these prints, but I like the conceptual thread that connects grids, weaves and plaids. This series, which currently numbers 70 prints, is not yet available for sale.

Posted 3.10.12
Weave 69, 2012, app. 8x8 image on paper 11 x 8.5"

Posted 3.8.12
Weave 8, 2012, app. 8x8 image on paper 11 x 8.5"

Posted 3.7.12
Weave 35, 2012, app. 8x8 image on paper 11 x 8.5"

Posted 3.4.12
Weave 64, 2012, app. 8x8 image on paper 11 x 8.5"

   Posted 3.3.12
Weave 17, 2012, app. 8x8 image on paper 11 x 8.5"

Posted 3.2.12
Weave 24, 2012, app. 8x8 image on paper 11 x 8.5"

Posted 3.1.12
Weave 7, 2012, app. 8x8 image on paper 11 x 8.5"

Posted 2.29.12
Weave 28, 2012, app. 8x8 image on paper 11 x 8.5"


  1. The title of the series is so fitting on many levels.

  2. Ooh--the palette of Weave 7 is so lush! This series of posts will be a lovely way to greet the day.

  3. I love the interaction of happenstance with your 'lush' minimalism.

  4. David A. Clark10:42 AM

    I've said this to you before Joanne, but I really feel like these works are color poems. They are spare but deep. Filled with breath and air but profound. They are simply exquisite.

  5. Julian Jackson12:48 PM


  6. These works are exquisite! Luscious minimalism at it's best.

  7. I love these! fabulous!

  8. I love the daily addition that is building the online collection. Great idea!

  9. Anonymous11:40 AM

    On screen they glow - look like they are back lit--cool-

  10. Anonymous11:41 AM

    On screen they glow - look like they are back lit--cool-

  11. I love these so much Joanne! thanks for posting.

  12. I love your work, the digital prints on paper!

  13. These are really beautiful! Do you have some at Marcia Wood?

  14. Thank you, Everyone. It's gratifying to work on a new series and receive instant and positive response. I like David's phrase "color poems," and you may see it creep into my writing about the work.
    Elizabeth: Marcia Wood does have prints available, but not the "Weave" series. No gallery has those yet. Id like to show them in a group before making them available for sale.

  15. Beautiful colors! They seem to be lit from within.
    A group show of these would be fantastic.
