

A Conceptual Connection

Another Conceptual Connection
Let the complainers whine about the fairs. I love them. Aside from having the world come to my doorstep, one of the pleasures for me is making momentary conceptual connections like the one I'm sharing with you here: Mona Hatoum and Susan Hefuna, both at the Armory Fair. Working in different mediums, they capture something of the space of personal architecture.

At Galleria Continua, San Giminiano, Italy: Mona Hatoun, Static II, 2008, steel chair, glass beads, fishing wire

At Pi Artworks, Istanbul: Susan Hefuna, Cityscape Tracing, 2011, ink on tracing paper


  1. As a dedicated reader, I delight in your conceptual connections Joanne. . . . thanks for introducing me to Susan Hefuna's work--beautiful!

  2. What fun to see! Like magic, they appear, almost seems to have no history, there they are.

  3. Beautiful, evocative work! Thanks for making the connection between these artists and thanks for the post.
