

Fair Game: What to Wear to an Art Fair

Animal magnetism at ABMB

MIAMI--One thing you learn rather quickly at the art fairs in Miami is that pretty much anything goes. There is a sartorial standard for the dealers at the big venues--suits for the men, well-cut dresses for the women--but beyond that, come as you are or whom you wish to be. I thought these folks had a little more going on in the personal expression department.

At Art Miami: Yes, they're wearing Delft patterns. They're from Holland

And then there was Norman Leathers from Miami (standing before a wall of Hunt Slonem paintings at the Dean Projects booth at Art Miami).  He's wearing one of his paintings like a backpack. You've got to appreciate his chutzpah, and truth be told, his little painting would not have been out of place at any of the smaller fairs. He was handing out business cards to anyone who stopped to chat with him, which I did. But here's the thing: When I went to go online to see his work, there was no URL, just a phone number and an email address. Dude, don't go through all that trouble just to be unavailable. I would have provided a link here.

Dressing for success?


  1. Thanks for the tease--can't wait to see more (of the clothes).

  2. Will there be an art/not art post this year?

  3. Linda: I'm not sure. I have some 5000 pictures, and I returned home with a cold (thak you, American Airlines), so tomorrow, after sleeping late, I'll start looking at what I have.

  4. Hi Joanne and greetings from Wichita, Kansas. I googled art, blogspot, blogger and your name was top of the list. Love what I see so I will be back!

  5. Krista Svalbonas3:19 AM

    This is fabulous!

  6. funny because this year I accidentally wore the POS shoes I usually wear down to the beach (which are the hiking shoes I always wear, but the worn out version) and didn't even notice until I got back - no wonder gallerists avoided me like the plague this year - I'm gonna start doing that EVERY YEAR

  7. Jean Beebe8:59 PM

    I did long to see what the bald twins wore this year. No doubt it was pink!
