

Fair Well: C'est What?

Previous Miami posts
Is Anybody Happy

 Darren Almond at Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin, Art Basel Miami Beach

Some years ago I worked at Women’s Wear Daily. The mere sniff of a trite phrase would send the copy desk editors into a frenzy of elbow jabbing as they mocked the writer. “Clichés? Nothing wrong with clichés; after all, everyone uses them,” they'd say, making no effort to suppress their mirth. They’d move in close to the unsuspecting writer to offer this advice: “You have to avoid clichés like the plague.” Then they’d all have another good laugh and cut the bejesus out of the writer's story.

Those editors would have had a field day (sorry, guys) with some of what’s here. Is it the nature of text-based art that cliché often takes precedence over poetry, irony or wit? Two galleries got it just right, I thought: Carroll and Sons, Boston, and Charlie James, Los Angeles, with text based installations that were intentionally deadpan or funny and fresh.

I also responded to Mira Schor’s paintings, emphasis on painting; Jennifer Dalton’s wry foursome; Barbara Gallucci’s witty take on Robert Indiana’s oversold sculpture; and Darren Almond’s elegantly executed exhortation, which I took to heart as I made the rounds.

The sentiments expressed in the images are not necessarily my own.

Mel Bochner at Quint Contemporary, Miami Project
This guy just won't shut up:

Above: At Peter Freeman, New York and Paris, ABMB
Three below: at Two Palms New York; ABMB 


Foreground: Bertrand Lavier at Galerie Hans Mayer;
background: Barbara Kruger at Mary Boone Gallery, New York City; ABMB

Robert Indiana at Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York City

Above: Barbara Gallucci
Below: Joe Zane installation; both at Carroll and Sons, Boston; Miami Project

Alejandro Diaz at David Shelton Gallery, Houston; Miami Project

David Buckingham at Jonathan Ferrara Gallery, New Orleans; Miami Project

Tony Lewis at Shane Campbell Gallery, Chicago; NADA

Two from Roni Horn
Above: at Dranoff Fine Art, New York City; Ink
Below: at Xavier Hufkens, Brussels, ABMB

Barbara Kruger at Mary Boon Gallery, New York City; ABMB

Above: Eugenio Merino
Below: Artist unidentified, both at Birnam Wood Galleries, New York City and East Hampton; Art Miami

Above and below: Margie Schnibbe at Charlie James Gallery, Los Angeles; Aqua Art

Deborah Kass at Paul Kasmin Gallery, New York City; ABMB

Jack Pierson at Richard Gray Gallery; ABMB

 Susan Jamison at Fergeson Gallery, Farmville, Virginia; Aqua Art

Rashin Johnson at James Harris Gallery, Seattle; ABMB

Michael Scoggins at ABMB; photo by Sharon Louden

William Pope. L at ABMB
Detail below

Wayne White at Western Project, Los Angeles; Miami Project
Detail below

Mira Schor at CB1 Gallery, Los Angeles, Miami Project

Tracey Emin at Lehman Maupin, New York City; ABMB

Justin Lieberman, Tibetan Pornography, at Galerie Rodolphe Janssen; ABMB

Kay Rosen, LOL, at (I think) Sikkema Jenkins; ABMB

Claire Fontaine at ABMB

Cheng Ran at Galerie Urs Meile; ABMB

 Artist unidentified at Kendall Koppe, Glasgow; NADA

Michelle Andrade at Charlie James Gallery, Los Angeles; Aqua Art

Foreground: Jennifer Dalton at Charles James Gallery
Detail below

William Powhida at Charlie James Gallery
Detail below

Cary Leibowitz at Invisible Exports, New York City; NADA

Lawrence Weiner at Christina Guerra Contemporary Art; ABMB

Too good to ignore: Utility sign at ABMB

Artist unidentified Christina Grajales Gallery; Design Miami

John Giorno at White Columns, New York City; NADA 

Joe Wardwell at Prole Drift, Seattle; Aqua Art

Sam Durant at Sadie Coles, London; ABMB
If you are enjoying these posts from Miami, please consider making a yearly donation of $20 to support my blog. The cost in money and time to attend and report on the fairs is significant for an artist with an ongoing studio practice. A link to PayPal is on the right sidebar close to the top of the page (look for the red type). Any amount is welcome. Thank you.


  1. Thanks for gathering these all together, Joanne. Did anything ring true to you or did it all sound trite?

  2. Mostly they sounded trite, though as I mentioned, there were a couple of galleries I liked, along with the paintings of Mira Schor and and Darren Almond's "Remember Everything." The latter had personal significancs because I was trying desperately to see everything, photograph and retain it(knee pain impingeing on my ability to do that) but also because in a world with constant streams of too much information, and high-speed access to anything we need or want to know, remembering even a fraction of what we take is a synaptic impossibility.

  3. thank you for the post, may I say 'enlightening?'

  4. Julian Jackson1:13 AM

    What? No Ruscha? sharply observed,weirdly dispiriting
