

"Your application for press accreditation was successful. "

That was the email opener from the press office at Art Basel Miami Beach. And that means only one thing: I'm going to Miami. For the ninth straight year. Yes, I'm planning to visit ABMB and to write about it and at least eight other fairs. So now, I'm turning to you with a request: Please . . .

. . . Send me to Miami!

It's not cheap to get there or be there. My expenses last year were close to $3000, and that doesn't count the three unpaid weeks in December during which I spend long hours photo editing and writing. Here's a rough breakdown:
. Flight: $350 plus $50 for the extra bag each (so I can take all the written materials back with me)
. Hotel for five nights: $1500 (and that's at a cheap hotel)
. Taxis: About $300 (including getting to and from the airports; there are free shuttles that run between ABMB and Wynwood, but if I have to wait for an hour when I could be taking notes and pictures, it's not really free)
. Food: About $500 (welcome to the land of the $8 yogurt)
. Catalogs and other materials: $50 

If you read my reports, you know I cover a lot of ground and then try to make sense pictorially of everything I've seen.

Darren Almond at Galerie Max Hetzler, Berlin, Art Basel Miami Beach, 2013

So, over to you. The PayPal link is to the right. I've moved it up to the top of the sidebar so that it's easy for you to find.  If you value what I do, this is the time to support it--like NPR without the annoying pledges and countdowns.  A donation of $20 would be great. If you've been following me but haven't donated before, send more. If you can't afford it and wish to send less, that's fine, too.

Be part of the team that gets me to Miami. I won't let you down.

I can’t thank you enough for making me aware of all the art being shown in Miami. I’m proud to be a supporter!”  -- Julie Karabenick, editor, Geoform

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