

Fair Enough: Miami 2010

Click for Marketing Mondays: 6 Degrees of Representation
Mel Bochner at Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Chicago, last year at ABMB

And I'm off.
A big thank you, gracias, merci, obrigada, arrigato, grazie and much obliged to everyone who sent in donations via Pal Pal or check to send me to Miami.  I am deeply appreciative of your generosity. (Anyone else who's so inclined, the Pay Pal button is just to your right.) I'm taking my assignment seriously, which is to see as much as I can and report on it intelligently and in as timely a manner as possible. I will be avoiding the parties, the fashion and the "in" crowd in favor of the art, basic black, editing images and sleep. While I don't expect to produce any big posts while I'm there, I have set aside two weeks upon my return to deliver a post a day. .
This is will be my sixth year of covering the Miami art fairs. I try to live up to my blog’s disclaimer, Guaranteed Biased, Myopic, Incomplete and Journalistically Suspect, though I do stretch beyond my personal tastes for the reports I'll be posting throughout the month. And truth be told, I try to be journalistically responsible. While I don’t love all the work in all the fairs, I’m aware that artists and dealers have worked long hours to get their stuff up on a wall or in a booth, and they have spent a lot of money in the process, so if I don’t dig the art or the venue I’m judicious in my negative comments.  Exception: If you’re a movie star using your celebrity to sell derivitave and poorly executed paintings, you are not getting over. (That means you, Sylvester Stallone, and your pimperiffic gallery, too.)

I have five days, starting with the previews and openings on Wednesday evening and working my way down my itinerary through the last of the events on Sunday afternoon. Thanks to Boyd Level for providing its fab guide to the fairs again this year. I've identified the venues I know to offer free entry, just in case you're in the area and plan to attend. Here’s what’s on my itinerary ( provides a good annotated listing):
Miami Beach
Art Basel Miami Beach (artists: it’s $20 after 4:00 pm)
. Will I attend the morning Conversations? We'll see
Aqua Art (free w/ pass)
The Oceanfront (part of ABMB located on the beach; free)
Ink (free)
NADA (free)

Three causeways connect Miami Beach to the design area known as Wynwood in Miami proper. The free shuttles are not not dependable and when they do arrive, theyre often full, so I will be cabbing it to and fro. The fairs I plan to visit:
Art Miami
Seven (free)
. I'll also be attending Jen Dalton & William Powhida's #Rank sessions, including one on age and gender with Joanie San Chirico
Red Dot
Private Collections
Work does not go over the sofa in these warehouses turned into museum-like settings. 
What I'm Probably Going to Skip
Because there's only so much time, only so much energy, and only so many cerebral bytes to process the visual information (my limit: three fairs a day), I'm not putting these on my itinerary. But you never know . . .
Getting Social
Mostly I travel alone, because I can’t process all the images and information if I’m engaged in conversation. But here’s where I plan to get social:
Preview Party at Aqua Art 
. Wednesday evening, 8:00—11:00 pm
. Collins at 15th Street
. I’ll be there about 9:00 p.m.,  hanging out in Room 106, the Conrad Wilde Gallery, where I will have paintings on view like the one at left
. Click here for a free pass
Silk Road 155, 2010, encaustic on panel, 12x12 inches

Art Bloggers @
. Thursday evening, 5:00—7:00 pm, in the courtyard of Aqua Art
. Look for the signs, like the logo below, to find us
. This year we’re skipping the panel discussion in favor of a more relaxed get-together. Come on over to say Hi and have a drink. Aqua is providing the beverages
. Use the free pass to get in


The Boston Reception hosted by the DeCordova Museum
This is the second annual installment of an event hosted by the museum for artists, collectors, curators, gallerists and museum staff in the Boston area. I missed it last year, but as an artist who shows and teaches in Boston, I'm going to go meet my peeps. If you are from the Boston area (and I'm guessing that would include much of New England), it's on Saturday evening, 6:00-8:00 p.m., at the Loews Miami Beach Hotel, Colllins at 16th Street, Third Floor Terrace.
Reports from Previous Years
Just in case you start jonesing for some news from Miami, check out The Art Newspaper, which will publish daily dailiy editions  from Miami, as well as my blog reports from previous years:
Fair and Fair Alike: Miami 2009
Fair Weather, Miami: 2008
Fair Factor, Miami: 2007
All's Fair, Miami: 2006
Joanne Goes to Miami, 2005


  1. I'm exhausted just reading your itinerary.

  2. I sounds like you have your work cut out for you. I know you will be working hard, but hope you have a little fun, too.

  3. peggy4:12 PM

    The donation is a small price to pay for such wonderful coverage. The images and writings you bring to these pages (all times of the year) are priceless for this non-traveling art lover. Thank you. Have fun and be inspired.

  4. Joanne,
    If not too late, there is an Art Basel phone app!!! It is strictly for the Miami Beach Convention center. It is free, just go to the official Art Basel website.

    Also - I look forward to reading your blog posts about Art Basel and the satellite shows.

    I am just lucky to get to THE Art Basel...much less the rest of the zoo. Have fun!
