After the marathon of Basel Miami, and then the marathon of writing and posting entries about it, I’ve had to turn my attention to some other projects. I rallied to post a memoriam for Ruth Bernhard and to wish my buddies Chris Ashley and Douglas Witmer good luck on their show in Dayton, Across the Borderline. (Great show from the looks of it. See installation shots on Chris’s blog, Look, See and Douglas’s, Dgls.
So what’s up with me?
. First, there's a name change. Turns out there were a bunch of JM Blogs. Who knew? You're now reading the Joanne Mattera Art Blog. Now I've got a lot to live up to. More Art. Less JM.
. Working on the first National Conference of Encaustic Painting, to take place at Montserrat College of Art, June 8-10. (If you work in wax, you need to be there.)
. Curating a show, "Luxe, Calme et Volupte," on the theme of visual pleasure for the Marcia Wood Gallery in Atlanta. More (probably much more) on this in a later post, with links to the gallery. Here's a good example of more art, less moi: I'm not in the show.
. Teaching again—Senior Seminar at Massachusetts College of Art, and Professional Issues at Montserrat College of Art, both courses focusing on the business of art. (How many generations of artists spent the first 10 years of their careers figuring out how to build and sustain a career when in fact the information should have been as available as how to stretch a canvas or how to pull a print? )

At the Red Dot Fair: Silk Road 46, 12 by 12 inches, encaustic on panel, 2006
. And there’s something else I do. Um. Uh. Wait, it’s coming to me……. Oh, right, painting. I've got work with Kenise Barnes Fine Art at the Red Dot Fair in New York the weekend of the Armory Show, Feb 22-25. I’ve got solos at Cervini Haas Gallery in Scottsdale in March, and OK Harris in New York in April-May. My schedule blog lists it all.
Let me get these shows on the road and I'll be back. I've got a lot to talk about.