
Today's Marketing Mondays is your opportunity to unfurl your flag, toot your own horn, and generally get the word out about what you're doing professionally this summer. I invite you to fill up the Comments section with news of the exhibitions and events you're participating in, URLs for your websites and blogs, and whatever successes you'd like to share.
Well, I am retooling my process and concepts right now (the summer and autumn plan). My background/degree/first love is photography so I am taking time to research about some of my favorites (a one person art history class) and rediscover what pulled me into the great world of photography in the first place. I am thinking about making a trip to NYC to see the abstract show at Aperture... and get some great pizza.
Images from my Group Therapy series have been selected for inclusion in the fourth edition of The Exposure Project. I have also been volunteering at the Arlington Arts Center in VA. However, the lure (and money) of a day job is getting stronger.
AAC's website is http://www.arlingtonartscenter.org. They exhibit contemporary works and currently have an open call for the 2010 solos.
My work can be viewed at my site, http://www.leegainer.com. My blog, Peek (a new contemporary artist each weekday), is at http://www.leegainer.blogspot.com.
Thanks for the opportunity to shout out!
I'm happy to say I've sold some of my art on etsy (yes I'm giving it a try for my smaller pieces and so far its a great experience) as well as in the gallery in stowe! all in all the summer is turning out to be better than expected given the economy!
yes! thank you for the opportunity to shout out!
Thanks Joanne.
Here is my url:
It's been a busy summer!
Thanks for the opportunity, Joanne!
I have work at Ernden Gallery in Provincetown, MA this summer.
I also have work in some Texas Wax shows. One called Meltdown at The Art Hotel Gallery in Dallas:
Another one, Encaustic Materials and Methods, coming up at Tarrant County College in Arlington, Texas.
And my collaborative exhibit with Trayc Claybrook, called Waxy Buildup, will be part of "Women's Work...?" at Bristol Community College in Fall River, MA in September.
And I've partnered with artist Bonny Leibowitz to create The Encaustic Center, in Richardson, Texas. We're teaching workshops, hosting exhibitions, etc.
Have been reading Jakie's new Artist's Guide (your quotes there included!) and this has been the biggest single push for sorting out my marketing. Highly recommend!
Self publishing a catalog of my newest work. This week I finished the draft. (Designed it myself in Microsoft Publisher of all programs.)
Wednesday it will go to the printers.
Planning on sending it out to my collectors and hope that it will be an impressive calling card to galleries.
One sale will pay for all the costs.
I've showing a painting in an inclusive "DRAGNET" group survey at sage projects in Philly.
"We are on the lookout for area talent and aim to sweep up artists who fly under the radar along with the usual suspects."
my blog is http://paintself.blogspot.com/
I just finished two two-week sessions teaching art theory to high school students for college credit. I'm teaching digital photo and basic graphic design at the tech school, and have begun posting new and older art on my blog after numerous delays.
I canceled a paper presentation at San Diego Comic Con for financial reasons, and am searching for a second job to round out my teaching income.
And I'm drawing.
Great to see you in Bushwick last week. I'll be here through the end of the month when Pocket Utopia pulls up stakes and moves on to other frontiers....http://sharonbutler.tumblr.com/
Thank you Joanne, for this opportunity.
Well, my name's Sofia Barao and I live in France, here's my website www.sofiabarao.com and my art blog that I just started http://intheatelier.wordpress.com/
I'm in a group exhibition at this moment, in Seattle until august 14th more info on my website.
Now I'm off to read all the others comments. Merci
Thanks for the opportunity. I'm having a three month show at the Amy E. Tarrant gallery in Burlington, VT. Here's a blog I set up of the 81 small paintings that will be included.
Thank you for this opportunity!
This month, I've been teaching a summer camp visual arts program.
For years, I've maintained two studios in two different countries. However, in August, I'll be shutting down the small satellite studio stateside, moving the contents to storage. My main studio in the Caribbean will remain as is. This change allows me to focus my efforts in one workspace.
Late summer, I'll work on plans to exhibit at resort hotels on my island.
Website: http://stephanieclayton.com/
Art blog:
Thank you Joan ! Your blog is very cool! I realy like colors you use in your work.
There is a photo bucket link on bottom of photos ( Bigger Better Pictures.)
Best Regards
Greetings Joanne and readers:
I'm counting my summer as starting in spring (with a 2-person show with Tremain Smith at Ruth Morpeth Gallery and ending in October (with my participation in the Hunterdon County Cultural & Heritage Commission Group Invitational.)
In between (in the real summer months) I've been busy in the studio with work for The (dark) Show at StrataSphere Gallery in Philly (I'll post the info on my blog soon); immersing myself in my digital photo work (pfarrellphotoartblog@blogspot.com);and working on a collaborative project with a Philly artist--which will be revealed on our blogs sometime this fall.
Joanne--thanks for this opportunity. It's great to read what folks are up to.
Thanks, Joanne.
I've settled into my new studio space in Oracle, AZ and am madly working on a series "Nooks & Crannies" for a solo show in Phoenix opening on September 2.
In addition, I'm working with my photographer husband on a project on US Route 89, a road that runs from Mexico to Canada. We're taking off next week to travel the Montana & Wyoming parts of the road.
"Nooks & Crannies" can be seen at:
My blog is http://www.barbaracowlin.com
The US Route 89 website is:
By the way, your blog is a lifeline to art outside of my rural outpost!
Thanks Joanne! I am showing with Gallery Ehva in Provincetown, www.galleryehva.com and with the Mill Brook Gallery in Concord, NH, www.themillbrookgallery.com. For more information, visit www.donnadodsonartist.blogspot.com.
-Delivered three paintings for AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, Cancer Care Center, Egg Harbor, NJ
-Also three paintings and seven photographs on canvas for AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, Mainland Campus, Pomona, NJ
-Three paintings for AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, Atlantic City, NJ
-Paintings for Westin, Princeton, NJ and Hyatt, New Brunswick, NJ
Talk for 1st Fans (with An Xiao) about the @platea collective and our online public art projects at the Brooklyn Museum of Art, June 6, 2008
Judge, Ocean County Artists' Guild Annual Teen Scholarship, Island Heights, NJ, July 2008
Read about and see these and other projects here:
Signature Artists' Exhibit,
Noyes Museum of Art, Oceanville, NJ
May 22 though September 13, 2009
Solo Exhibit
ArtPort, Atlantic City International Airport
August, September, October 2009
Thanks Joanne! Have been a reader for years.
I appreciate your blog very much and thank you for this generous opportunity.
I am painting daily in my studio and also have work in two shows.
I have three paintings in the small works Metro 26 Show at City Without Walls (Newark, NJ). This exhibition is currently traveling throughout the state of New Jersey for one year. www.cwow.org
I will have about eight paintings in the group show, 8 Visions, at the Attleboro Arts Museum (Attleboro, MA) from Aug. 12 through Sept. 12, 2009. www.attleboroartsmuseum.org
Thanks again,
I paint with dots. You can see my work on my website: http://www.barbarajcarter.com
I also blog about my art: http://barbarajcarter.wordpress.com
This summer several of my paintings are on display at the Red Brick Gallery. The show "Summer's Breeze" is up through August 16, 2009. 315 E. Main Street, Ventura, California. http://redbrickart.com/
Thanks Joanne!
Barbara J Carter
Well, in an effort to make an effort to market some of my old work, I went ahead and worked myself up into a frenzy of enthusiasm and positive, forward thinking, and I went and created a blog for myself all by myself some three months ago for the purpose of having a space in which I will be able to present my artwork, or in other words, to have a forum in which the general public, and in particular Richard Roe, will be able to see what I've made in the past, because at the moment, that is to say, at the present time, I am simply too busy caring for a little individual who made the resolve and decided to be born about eighteen months ago and leave me with very little daytime for inspired inventiveness and ingenious productions, something which I cannot resent him for since the child obtained about half of his genetic material from present company and the writer of this essay, however, or perhaps nevertheless, I must report that although the blog has been a success within the sphere of persons inside my closest circle consisting mostly of my friends and family, I must report that Joe Sixpack has not yet deigned himself to write a single comment in the comments section provided for the opinions of persons unknown to me in person, so in order to dispense with the need to arrive at a period at the end of this sentence, and in the event that anyone may be incited into being interested in wanting to see what I'm talking about, I've pasted below the URL to my blog, which can be seen by following the following link http://corpuscallosum-luis.blogspot.com/
Thank You Joanne,Your blog have fully covered by enjoy.You have choose color in work very sharply.
Really I like it.
Hi Joanne -- thanks for the opportunity.
I've recently returned from a fantastic residency in Florence, and am now in full-on mode making new work for my winter show at Gremillion in Houston. Lately, I have also been writing catalogue essays including one for the NYC show of Emily Cheng and Anne Pachner, and a piece for Goncalo Ivo that will be translated to Portugese and published in Brazil.
Joanne - so sorry I missed you and everyone at Pocket Utopia. Wasn't able to make it because of a conflict with the other thing I've been doing -- visiting colleges with my daughter.
Hope to see you soon.
Hi Joanne- it's Abby from your professional issues class-- I thought now would be a good time to let you know that I took your advice and am keeping a blog and made a new website. Check them out if you get a chance~
Hi Joanne,
I enjoy your blog with my morning cup of coffee. This summer I am reading Edward Winkleman’s new book and I am painting 9-5, 6 days a week!
Work included in: 58th Annual All Florida Exhibition, Boca Raton Museum of Art. and Target Gallery “In the flesh II” Arlington Virginia, opens on Tuesday July 22.
web site: www.jaminix.com
Hi Joanne Thank you for the opportunity to share. I'm working as an Artist in Residence for the Center for the Arts at SUNY at Buffalo for their Arts in Healthcare Initiative. I'm placed at Women and Children's Hospital fascilitating the creative process with patients, families, and staff. More info about this great program at:www.ubcfa.org
My art work may be seen on the Drawing Center's Registry at:www.drawingcenter.org and Artist's Space at:www.artistsspace.org
Hey Joanne,
Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
I've started work on a new series, it's actually a side shoot of a past series...considering the visual perception of balance compared to the mathematical measure of it...more: http://www.debraramsay.com/html/now.html
I'll have work in an August group show, "Push and Pull," at eo Art Lab in Chester, CT, opening on Aug 7 for anyone in that area.
all the best,
Have a great 'rest of the' summer.
Hello Joanne.
Thanks for the opportunity. I've been getting settled into my farm/ranch studio since the move last year.
Lately I have been doing a lot of encaustic work for the TXWAX-Dalas shows. Several more coming up through the end of the year.
I've been getting work rotated around with several galleries. I'm thinking about some changes that are evolving with my work since my move.
Thank you Ms. Mattera
I've got a painting up in the summer group show at the gallery that represents me
busy getting ready for my solo show there next September (2010)
my website for more updates
Thanks Joann!!!
oops, forgot my blog
Many thanks Joanne!!
Current interview by Studio 24/7: http://studio24-7.blogspot.com/search/label/artist%20profile
Carolina Contemporary Collection, Ashley River Towers, Charleston, SC: http://artwork.musc.edu/artists/pages/nodine/01.html
4th National Encaustic Invitational - Conrad Wilde Gallery, Tucson, AZ: http://www.conradwildegallery.com/encInv4.html
Recent work: http://www.janenodine.com/Encaustic%20Painting%20by%20Jane%20Nodine.html
2009 Exhibitions
The Opposite of Beauty
301 Gallery
Montserrat College of Art--Beverly, MA
Art in Academia
University of South Alabama--Mobile, AL
225° F Encaustic Encounters
Turchin Center for the Visual Arts--Boone, NC
Hi Joanne,
I just got back from an amazing five days of teaching encaustic to 10 wonderful, wacky and wild artists at Peters Vally.
Now getting ready for two shows in NJ at the JCC in West Orange and a show at the Ocean County Arts Guild.
A solo show is booked for 2010 at The Rosenfeld Gallery in Philadelphia.
I have some wonderful artists to feature on the blog
along with a few images of my own new work.
Just trying to move forward.
Thanks and Warm Regards,
Love your blog. This chance to share is too golden to bury for later and then forget. My work can be viewed at http://afonline.artistsspace.org/view_artist.php?aid=8767
I have a linocut in the Artrageous Show at the National Association of Women Artists Show in NYC.
http://www.nawanet.org/. I’m not teaching this summer so I have been able to spend long, lovely hours in my studio. I’ve also been inventorying my artwork thanks to the push provided by the new Battenfield book that I read about in your blog. Am happy to discover that I actually have sold a lot of artwork over the years and am able to list as “location” someplace other than my studio stacks. Also, have been working with other members of Road Kill Press, a printmakers cooperative located in northwest CT to generate interest in our activities. http://www.rkp-kent.com/
Many thanks.
I am in Israel this summer, and though I cannot blame the incredibly stifling heat for a current bout of artist's block, it does tire me out. So instead of stressing about it, I decided to dedicate my summer time to helping the efforts of an extraordinary and unique school in Israel, the Jerusalem Studio School, http://www.jssart.com
View this beautiful video to see the school's founder and artist Israel Hershberg explain the importance of "sustained physical contact"
I just spent the last two days creating a fanpage for the school on the infamous Facebook, especially in light of an upcoming benefit auction they will be running at NY's Andrea Meislin gallery in September
I have also been waiting to hear results from two juried competitions I had been selected for, which also makes me slightly less productive. I can't complain though, really, because I have managed to produce 30 some works in my four months here, so not bad :) You can see them in my Israel Inspirations album on my site http://rebeccaharp.wordpress.com
Anyway, instead of feeling grumpy, I realized I needed a moment to pat myself on the back for having worked hard and to focus my positive energy on helping others.
What a great group of accomplishments. Congratulations to you all!
While on a vacation to Provincetown cut short by too damn much overcast and rain, I did manage to see Deanna Wood's solo show at Ernden Gallery (lovely, lyrical paintings) and Donna Dodson's wonderful sculptures, some over three feet tall, of anthropomological animals (compelling, mysterious and beautifully carved).
I'll be checking everyone's URLS and links over the next few days.
Thank you for your dedication to your blog and the art community. I don't know how you find time to do it all, but I am grateful for all that you do.I, too, am working hard on setting goals and defining success for me...as defined in the Battenfield book. Coninually thinking.
Kellie Weeks
I appreciate the opportunity to spread my word. I started a 1-year free studio residency in Kansas City and recently participated in a the group exhibition "Joan Mitchell Foundation MFA Grant Recipients" at the CUE Art Foundation in NYC (open until July 31 -hurry!). Showing in Chelsea was a dream and I can only hope it becomes reoccurring.
I am also included in the group exhibition "Censor Approved" at the Dolphin Gallery in KC.
www.calebtaylorart.blogspot.com (coming soon!)
I saw the CUE show, Caleb. Good work! And congratulations.
Thanks Joanne. I've become a real fan of your blog.
In fact trying to follow your lead, I've finally started my own- http://philipkochpaintings.blogspot.com/
Otherwise, I have a solo show up at the Cape Cod Museum of Art in Dennis, MA through Aug. 16. Titled "Unbroken Thread" it is on a seven museum national tour until 2011. Cape Cod Life magazine's art annual "Art of the Cape and Islands" has a two page article on the show.
Otherwise, I'm painting away happily in my studio and looking forward to a landscape painting trip up to Mt. Desert Island in the fall.
Lots of new work posted at http://www.phiipkoch.com
Hey Joanne,
Summer has proven to be slow (perhaps even slower this summer than usual?) in terms of applying to exhibitions and juried shows. I just started reading The Artist's Guide, which, as predicted, underlines everything you taught us in class. I had also pre-ordered Winkleman's new book, so that's next on the list. I have been going crazy this summer without my studio (details here-- and don't worry, I've taken the paintings out of the trunk since I wrote that). I've been making small drawings but I was just getting the hang of building my own stretcher bars, so I find myself wishing for a fast-forward button to next semester. My goals for next year are to build my website and to secure a studio or apartment with a workspace for after I graduate. Thanks for a great Spring semester & I'll continue to watch your blog.
Thank you Joanne, for the chance to share! I love your blog and check in every few days. I've been getting ready to participate in a September show "Lines" at the Crane Arts Center in Philadelphia and making preparations for an on-site wall drawing at the soon to open Palomar Hotel in Philadelphia. Also continuously updating my site, www.donnaczapiga.com
Thanks again for the inspiration!
Thanks for your blog page and this opportunity Joanne! www.serenabuschi.com
Just published my "Simulacra" Project. Have a look here
Massimo Cristaldi
Joanne, your art is fantastic as is your blog! Just got back from traveling and apologize for the late post, thank you for the opportunity.
Aside from my recent travels, i have been locked away in my studio with David Bowie's music playing in the backround, scattered pictures and quotes splattered with paint serving as both inspiration and a backdrop for my canvas and panels. I am working on a new collection of mixed media paintings, i hope the collection will ultimately contain 25+ large scale works. In brief: the paintings depict a world containing a suspended cityscapes atop a bed of feathers, eggshells, labyrinths, skeleton keys- very symbolic of "Standing the test of time" fragility with strength and new with the old.
This summer i was invited to exhibit at the Social Life Magazine Hampton estate for a private event in August, i also have an exhibit at the Carlsbad art distric in CA opening in August.
Thank you, best wishes!
Amber Maida
I have been following your blog since I took your professional development class at MassArt a few years ago. Thanks for all the great posts and for this opportunity.
I recently moved to Los Angeles, and I am currently developing a body of work based on my observations and experiences of this place that is so different from Boston. I completed a month-long artist residency in Costa Rica earlier in the year, and I am currently getting involved with the Los Angeles Art Association, an organization dedicated to launching the careers of emerging artists.
Keep up the great posts!
Bradley Hankey
Hi Joanne-
Great blog! I've been working on http://www.ArtInBrooklyn.com - a site dedicated to profiling the work of Brooklyn's artists.
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