Yeah, yeah, I know I haven't been my usual prolific blog self lately. Sometimes life gets in the way, so today I'm aggregating a few blog posts I read regularly. But this is an interactive post. I also want to know what blogs you read--or which posts from these blogs you particularly liked.
Updated 2.12: Scroll for links to additional blogs provided by readers

Author: Valerie Brennan
Description: "This blog is about process, practice and getting to know a little bit more about what painters get up to in the studio."
Current post: New York Painter Leslie Wayne
"I generally have around 5 or 6 panels going on at a time, but they don’t all require the same amount of focus and deliberation. Some paintings simply need another layer of color applied and left to dry, where others call for some sort of resolution."
Image: Leslie Wayne, Untitled (yelloworangeteal),2013, oil on wood; here, detail
Katherine Tyrrell's Making a Mark
Daniel Maidman
Gurney Journey
Tamar Zinn:
Altoon Sultan's Studio and Garden
Lynette Haggard Art Blog
The Brooklyn Rail
Lynette Haggard:
Nancy Natale's Art in the Studio
Abstract Critical
Lisa Pressman
Deborah Barlow's Slow Muse
Structure and Imagery
Thomas Hoadley:
Altoon Sultan's Studio and Garden
Deborah Barlow's Slow Muse
Annell Livingston:
Some Things I Think About
Jeanne Heifetz:
In the Make
Michael Chesley Johnson
Google Reader bundle of painting blogs
Anonymous 1
Look and Listen by Yifat Gat
Paul Behnke's Structure and Imagery
Tamar Zinn
Non-Objective Painting
Drawing in an Expanded Field (en français)
Anonymous 2
Leslie Parke
Sharon Butler:
Raphael Rubenstein's The Silo
Mira Schor's A Year of Positive Thinking
Carol Diehl's Art Vent
Joshua Abelow's Art Blog Art Blog
Catherine Kehoe's Powers of Observation
Nancy McCarthy's Painting: Personal and Powerful
I'm adding Two more:
Sharon Butler's Two Coats of Paint
And Shana Dumont Garr, the mag-style website of the art historian/curator
Susan Shulman
William Everton
Diane McGregor
Edward Winkleman
Rebecca Crowell
This is perhaps for another post, another time, but what I have noticed is a slow decline in blogs altogether. You are a big exception. But many of us went to Facebook. This was both bad and good. I almost feel like I would have to quit FB to get my blog mojo back. And I don't mean just writing one - I mean reading them too. There was at one time a big critical mass in blogs just on Portland alone. Almost all of them are gone and the ones which still exist are not quite the same.
I regularly keep tabs on the blogs you noted and especially love Sharon Butler's coverage of under exposed painters. Among my favorite digital publications (not sure if they qualify as true blogs) are Hyperallergic -- and Daily Serving --
I subscribe to several of these "zines" and get updates in my e-mailbox that allow me to browse an aggregate of articles, interviews, openings, etc. Along with your excellent blog posts I really appreciate the views of Dawooud Bey too --
Thanks for posing this question, Joanne. I'm curious to hear what others find enlightening.
Eva: You are correct. Blog reading seems to have declined thanks to FB. I do like that conversations can take place in almost real time. But reading about art--for free and typically about artists you won't read about in the Times or in the art magazines--is on the decline. Indeed, every December after the art fair coverage I wonder, "Do I want to do this for another year?"
Toby: Thanks for your links. I have started a new section at the bottom of the post with live links. Your name and links are the first on the list. Thank you.
While there is a lot out there in terms of quantity, the content and quality of writing is quite variable. I rely on Painter's Table for an overview, and also visit all of the blogs you mentioned in your post. Sometimes I read up about exhibits, but at other times I'm interested in artists writing about their studio practice. I read Altoon Sultan's Studio and Garden an eclectic mix which includes observations about exhibits and museum collections, as well as extensive reflections on Altoon's own practices. I also read Lynette Haggard's ongoing series of interviews with artists
Although Brooklyn Rail isn't officially a blog, I check out their articles as well.
Making A Mark is the best UK blog, covering all sorts of art-related stuff, Daniel Maidman thinks very deeply and Gurney Journey always has a really interesting comments section.
(Just a few.)
Interesting post. Of course, I produce and read mine:
and I am a consistent subscriber to yours, as well as these blogs:
Thanks for the post, Joanne. I always admire your many talents and the time you put into this for the benefit of all. The same goes for my other favorite blogs, Studio and Garden, mentioned before, and Slow Muse by Deborah Barlow. Deborah is an artist who reads widely and in depth. The ideas she harvests from numerous sources all relate to the creative process and are always thought provoking. They help us understand the inner motivations of our artistic actions, and so much more.
Thank you for including Studio Critical Joanne. I am a big fan and reader of your blog!
I read you regularly, and then skip around...I just don't have that much time on the computer.
Joanne..I read nearly all of these, and receive postings from many. Its a great way to stay on top of the multitude of exhibitions happening everywhere. For me, this is what I read while paint is drying in the studio. If I find a particular article that hits it home for me, I will generally share it on fb for other artists to read.
Thanks, those of you who read my blog, and thanks, Joanne for posting a link.
There is usually a much livelier discussion about my blog posts on facebook than there ever is on comment threads on the actual blog, which is great. But blogging allows for more in depth writing and thinking. -- wonderful studio visit blog out of Northern California.
I usually scan a couple dozen blogs each morning, using Google Reader. These are a variety of art blogs - illustration, fine art, you name it. I've created a "bundle" for the most common ones that people might be interested in:
Alot of great blogs out there at the moment:) Next to friends blogs, my favorite is probably Altoon Sultan's blog which is regularly updated. Some blogs and media I read when I can are:
Brooklyn Rail of course
Look and Listen by Yifat Gat
Bad at Sports
Structure and Imagery by Paul Behnke
Tamar Zinn's blog
Non objective Painting
Drawing in an Expanded Field
Paul's Art Daily
I find Leslie Parke's posts always make me think about a particular work of art or an artist in a new way.
Hi Joanne,
Thanks for the shout. I've been writing Two Coats of Paint since 2007, and each year I wonder if this might be the last. But maintaining Two Coats is a labor of love and has become an integral part of my art practice, so I continue.
I read many of the blogs mentioned above and also recommend the following:
Raphael Rubinstein's The Silo
Mira Schor A Year of Positive Thinking
Carol Diehl's Art Vent
Joshua Abelow's Art Blog Art Blog
Happy blizzard, stay warm,
And, I forgot to mention two blogs that are excellent resources for painting students:
Catherine Kehoe's Painting: Powers of Observation,
Nancy McCarthy's Painting: Personal and Powerful
Joanne, this is great! I've always been incredibly impressed by anyone who could paint and blog simultaneously. I started a blog and managed a few entries before giving up. I know several of these quite well- studiocritical, artcritical, two coats, painters table; too many to re-name here. But I'm happy for the new additions to check out. is the blog I most follow. WIlliam Evertson adds his commentary to what happening in the art scene as well as sharing his technical savvy on various printing processes. I have learned a lot about solar printing and book making from him.
What a great idea for a posting. . . In addition to some of the ones mentioned above, I visit Triangulation Blog and Art Critical
just about every day.
Great idea to be sharing all these blogs. I read Edward Winkleman's blog at Also, Rebecca Crowell is a very thoughtful and articulate painter - her blog is at
Hi Joanne,
So much great stuff out there and I'm learning about more from this post.
In addition to your blog, Two Coats of Paint, Hyperallergic, and Painter's Table a few of my favorites are:
Supreme Fiction by James Panero
Thoughts That Cure Radically
Abstract Critical
Gorky's Granddaughter
Right now I am loving
Art Propelled....
Lynette Haggard ..
I also love doing my own blog I hope blogs are not disappearing I prefer this format to FB. FB is quick but missing substance.Keep blogging!
Hi Joanne,
Thanks for mentioning Painters' Table and so many other great art blogs. I have been following hundreds of blogs for several years and maintaining Painters' Table since 2010. Although I recognize the value of Facebook and Twitter for their immediacy and potential for community engagement, the conversations on social platforms tend to be ephemeral. Blogs, on the other hand, are lasting records of an artist's thoughts and interests. For this reason they have the potential to provide the reader with a rich and thorough understanding of an artist's practice. A great example of this is the late Gabriel Laderman's blog. It is still online and is one I would recommend reading from start to finish.
As for some other favorite blogs that are not already mentioned on this post I would include:
Henri Art Magazine by Mark Stone
#FFFFFF Walls by Jonathan Chapline and Lorraine Nam
Too Much Art by Mario Naves
Form in the Fire by Peter Acheson and Deirdre Swords
Painter's Bread by Michael Rutherford
Thought Form by Kim Sloane
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