Is Anybody Happy?
C'est What?
One of the pleasures of fairgoing is seeing the enormous range of materials artists employ in the making of art. In subsequent posts I'll show more conventional paint-on-canvas paintings, but here I wanted to show some of the stuff that artists use. There's a lot of fabric. There are surfaces built up or carved into--rich crusts and skived channels--as well as weaving, stuffing, foam, clay rubber and more. While some of the work feels provisional, a good deal is well crafted for the long haul. I've opened with a few details to get you visually into the work, and I've included as many details of as many works as possible.
Detail of painting by Nabil Nahas
Info for full views of all opening details farther down the post
Detail of painting by David Allan Peters
Detail of painting by Marcus Linnenbrink
Detail of painting by Wyatt Kahn
Wyatt Kahn pieced linen-on-canvas painting at T293, Naples and Rome (with Sam Falls sculpture); at ABMB
Giorgio Griffa acrylic on unstretched canvas at Gallerie Fumagalli, Milano; at Art Miami
Liu Wei at Lehman Maupin, New York City; at ABMB
Detail of stitched canvas below
Ayan Farah at Vigo Gallery, London: at Untitled
Closer view of one work below
Molly Zuckerman-Hartung stitched and collaged painting at Diana Lowenstein Gallery, Miami; at Pulse
Detail below
Megan Cotts constructions at Klowden Mann Gallery, Culver City, California; at Miami Project
Below: Closer view of pleated structure in acrylic, thread and dye on linen
Samantha Bittman woven paintings at Andrew Rafacz, Chicago; at Untitled
Detail below
Liza Lou at unidentified gallery; at ABMB
Detail below
Looks like a shimmering version of Agnes Martin and then you realize the piece was executed by beading
Sarah Crowner at Galerie Nordenhake, Berlin and Stockholm; at ABMB
What appears to be a straightforward painting is actually canvas stitched with perfectly undulating seams
Sergio Sister dimensional painting at Josee Bienvenu Gallery, New York City; at Untitled
Above: Installation view
Below: another work with a clear view of color, materials and construction

Joe Zucker at Mary Boone Gallery, New York City; at ABMB
Detail below: acrylic, canvas, wood
Silvina Arismendi rubber-band paintings at Rincon Projects, Bogotà; at Untitled
Detail below
Daniel Douke at Peter Mendenhall Gallery, Los Angeles; at Miami Project
Cordy Ryman constructions at Dodge Gallery, New York City; at Untitled
Closer view below
David Allan Peters untitled triptych of carved acrylic on panel at Royale Projercts Contemporary Art, Palm Desert, California; at Untitled
Full view of central panel (detail of this work opened the post)
Full view of left panel
Below: Side-view projecting from the substrate
Marcus Linnenbrink resin painting at Max Estrella, Madrid; at Untitled
(Detail of this work opened the post)
More Linnenbrink, at Ameringer McEnery Yohe, New York City); at ABMB
Detail below
Matthias van Arkel layered silicone at Margaret Thatcher Projects, New York City; at Miami Project
Detail below
Julie Schenkelberg sculptures at Asya Geisberg Gallery, New York City; at Untitled
Closer view of work second from right
Jannis Kounellis untitled construction of steel, lead and cloth at Annely Juda Fine Art, London; at ABMB
Bosco Sodi at Pace, New York City, Beijing and Longon; at ABMB
Detail above; installation view below
Nabil Nahas at Sperone Westwater, New York City; at ABMB
Detail below of encrusted surface
Agustina Woodgate tapestry made of deconstructed stuffed animals at Spinello Projects, Miami; at ABMB
Detail below
Petah Coyne at Galerie Lelong, New York City; at ABMB
Detail below
And since we're talking stuff in this post, here's the label for Coyne's work:
Phillida Barlow sculptures at Hauser & Worth, New York City and London; at ABMB
Detail of one below (I did not record specific materials in this work, but Barlow's work is fabulously material and incorporates a Home Depot's worth of stuff; Google her)
Seung Yul Oh at One and J. Gallery, Seoul; at ABMB
Sheila Hicks linen hanging, 2012-2012, and Hanna Wilke clay sculptures in vitrine, 1985-1986, at Alison Jacques Gallery, London
Detail below
Howardena Pindell mixed-media painting, 1982-1983, at Garth Greenan Gallery, New York City; at Miami Project
Detail below
Orly Genger's knitted wall at unidentified gallery at ABMB
Harmony Hammond at Alexander Gray Associates, New York City
Detail below of oil and mixed-media surface
James Sterling Pitt sculptures at Steven Zevitas Gallery; at Miami Project
Installation view below
Emery Blagdon painting on wood at Adams and Ollman, Portland, Oregon; at NADA
Detail below
Margie Livingston block of acrylic paint layers, at Luis De Jesus, Los Angeles; at Untitled
Next up: Geometric Abstraction, Modern and Contemporary
If you are enjoying these posts from Miami, please consider making a yearly donation of $20 to support my blog. The cost in money and time to attend and report on the fairs is significant for an artist with an ongoing studio practice. A link to PayPal is on the right sidebar close to the top of the page (look for the red type). Any amount is welcome. Thank you.
Bricolage HEAVEN! Great stuff, Joanne. Thank you!
Love this post! Thank You Joanne for introducing me to many artists whose wonderful work was unknown to me!
Joanne, I love your words and your information. Happy 2014
Very inspirational work! Thank you for sharing!
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