Closing March 26

--Karen Wilkin, curator of The Onward of Art

An installation view, looking toward Sixth Avenue, of The Onward of Art at the 1285 Avenue of the Americas Gallery, New York City. Inset above: image of painting by Creighton Michael
American Abstract Artists was founded in 1936 at a time when the response to abstraction was neither as sophisticated nor as embracing as it is now. Providing collegial support as well as opportunities to discuss and exhibit, AAA likely paved the way for the development of abstraction in the United States. This post offers some views of the exhibition, but it is by no means thorough. For that, I urge you to visit the exhibition yourself. It's up through March 26.
The lobby exhibition space features five tall partitions on each side of a central entryway. The effect is almost theatrical, not unlike the wings of the stages on nearby Broadway. Each wall features artwork installed on both sides. For a curator it's an opportunity to install a large show in a way that allows the grouping of similar visual ideas. For a viewer it's an opportunity to consider a large exhibition in comprehensible vignettes. The Onward of Art features 65 artists represented by close to 100 works, (Disclaimer: I am a new member of the group and my work is included in this exhibition, so this walk through offers numerous installation views but no opinions.)
Emily Berger, left; Dorothea Rockburne
Thornton Willis, top; Lucio Pozzi, left; Lorenza Sannai
Clockwise from top left: Two by Nancy Manter; Judith Murray; two by Don Voisine; two by Alice Adams. Foreground: Jim Osman. Photo: Nancy Manter
Don Voisine
Jim Osman
Clockwise from top left: Mara Held; two by Cecily Kahn; two by Gail Gregg; two by Heidi Gluck
Gail Gregg
Cecily Kahn
Same side of the exhibition space, but looking in from the Sixth Avenue entrance. Clockwise from top left: Irene Rousseau, Roger Jorgensen; two by Joanne Mattera
Joanne Mattera
Claire Seidl
Richard Timperio
The other side of the exhibition space, looking toward Sixth Avenue. Facing wall: David Row, top
Closer view of the wall, above. Clockwise from top: David Row, two by Li Trincere, Kim Uchiyana. Photo: Kim Uchiyama
Top: Stephen Westfall; Gilbert Hsaio; left and right: John Obuck
Gilbert Hsaio
Clockwise from top: Mark Dagley, Gabriele Evertz. two by Marvin Brown
Clockwise from top right: Ce Roser, Naomi Boretz
Below: Anne Russinof
Long view with the Sixth Avenue entry at your back
Top: Stephen Maine. Below from left: two by Jane Logemann; two by David MacKenzie
Clockwise from top left: Siri Berg, Julian Jackson, two by Henry Brown, two by Daniel G. Hill; Edward Shalala
Daniel G. Hill
Henry Brown
Looking toward Sixth Avenue. Clockwise from top: Sharon Brant, Katinka Mann, two by Manfred Mohr
Mary Schiliro. Photo: Paula Overbay
Installation view with the opening crowd
Middle wall, clockwise from top: Steven Alexander, Mary Schiliro, James Juszczyk. Barely visible in that bay is a vitrine with brochures and announcements from AAA's exhibition history.Photo: Allen Strombosky
Middle wall, clockwise from top: Steven Alexander, Mary Schiliro, James Juszczyk. Barely visible in that bay is a vitrine with brochures and announcements from AAA's exhibition history.Photo: Allen Strombosky
Below: View of the vitrine. Photo: Jung Nam Lee
A look back as we move into the future: A splendid feature of the exhibition is the opportunity to see works by early members of American Abstract Artists. In addition to the tabletop vitrine pictured above, six niches hold historical works. It was difficult to avoid the reflection of the glass, so you're seeing angled shots that give you as clear a view as possible. When you visit the exhibition, do not miss this section! With Sixth Avenue at your back, walk all the way down the left side of the lobby until you come to here:
Vitrines with work from early AAA members, many of whom were group founders
Alice Trumbull Mason, Esphyr Slobodkina
Gertrude Greene, Balcomb Greene
Harry Holtzman, who introduced Mondrian to AAA and sponsored his entry into the U.S.; Charmion von Wiegand
Piet Mondrian
Ad Reinhardt
The catalog can be seen online here
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There's more!
American Abstract Artists' 80th Anniversary celebration continues with a two-gallery exhibition that will open on Saturday in New York City. Visible Histories, curated by Max Weintraub, will take place at the Abrons Art Center and Morris-Warren Gallery, both on the Lower East Side. A catalog can be viewed online.
Here, art by Mary Schiliro,
Random Dip 1, 2015
Random Dip 1, 2015
A wow! It was inspiring to see your post!
Thanks so much!!!
Thanks, Joanne. Since, alas, I will miss this show it was wonderful of you to provide so many images, and I will have a look at the catalogue later. Ann
Joanne, thanks for this, I wasn't able to attend the reception or see the exhibition, this gives me a good idea what I missed. David
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