. Nosing Around
. Art? Or Not Art?
MIAMI--Yeah, yeah. You're gonna get serious coverage. I'm working on it. But indulge me as I have a little Page Six moment.

Stallone is said to have admitted he was feeling "intimidated" to have his work displayed in the company of "the masters." D'ya think? The Daily Mail has the story, and I cribbed the picture, above left, from it.
I didn't see the actor or his painting--nor was I looking for them--but I did run into that walking performance piece known as Eva and Adele.

Eva and Adele: I'm not sure who's who.
The ambiguously sexual duo, artists who are dressed identically from shaved head to platformed toe, turn up at all the art fairs and at the openings in Chelsea. They spoke to no one as they took in the fair. Well, they weren't speaking to me. I asked them to pose. They ignored me. Like a good paparazza, I photographed them anyway.
More soon.
I've never seen either of them at an opening in Chelsea. I must go to all the lame, paparazzi-free openings.
I did pass Slys work and I have to agree with the Daily Mail, "Don't give up the day job"
Chris, you probably just missed them. I know what a socialite you are.
I remember Sly also fancied himself a novelist at one point, and after reading one of them I had the same reaction as jami.
The art world is so fascinating!
Sly was hanging around his work all day Wednesday taking photos with people. If he seemed intimidated he did not show it. On Wednesday most of his work had sold. Celebrity sells.
When I saw Eve and Adele I thought this is what it takes to stand out in an art crowd.
"Celebrity sells." You hit that nail square on the head Stephanie!
Thanks for the introduction to Eve and Adele. I look forward to seeing them in person one day. As for Sly the painter, I relate this to Madonna the children's book author. Am I jealous that they earn money for dabbling? You bet.
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