The image left is the map of the energy displacement of the Chilean earthquake. The image at right is Carolanna Parlato's Hyshot, shown on Color Forms, Part 2 , the post just below this one. (I made the connection when I saw both images on my Facebook page: the quake map via C-Monster; the painting via the artist). Wow!

Thats crazy! I guess thats what you call a visionary artist! (ha I know... bad pun).
Wow! Collective unconscious, or what. She's channeling the universe and you were there to see the connection. Thanks Joanne.
both use a similar visual language - but a specific intention makes a diagram, while an abstract drawing creates a field with variable readings. to me it isn't surprising that their paths cross, what is surprising is that someone notices it.
I'm surprised there isn't already a correlative image connector on Flickr or something. Or is that something only humans can do? Personally, I think it is cool that you made the association, and would label it "Uncanny" only when the third image arrives. Keep looking and keep your camera battery charged, with this early spring on the West Coast, that uncanny flower is just around your corner.
"Uncanny Coincidence" is right! Wow, thank you for sharing this Joanne.
Ms. Parlato, the Chilean Embassy is on the phone. I think you're in trouble.
@ Franklin: Or as Ricky said to Lucy: "You've got some splainin to do."
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